So you’ve had your first baby after carrying him or her for the past nine months. On behalf of all of us at Baby Smiles Labels we would like to say, congratulations! Becoming a mother is an incredibly exciting, life-changing experience. It does, however, come with a slew of challenges. Those first few months with a new baby can be intense. Everything you have prepared for while pregnant, the books you’ve read, the advice you’ve taken, has led up to this moment. However, once your bundle of joy arrives, it’s difficult to remember everything you need to do. Adjusting to life with a new baby is far from easy, but never fear, we at Baby Smiles Labels have compiled a list of a few common challenges new mother’s face and how to cope with them. Read below to make your life with a newborn a little bit easier!

Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

You’ve probably already heard of this one: becoming a new mom means not getting enough sleep. With your newborn crying to be fed every few hours, sleep deprivation is inescapable. You’re going to be next level tired. This can cause headaches, irritability, memory problems, confusion, and even depression—all things you don’t want to deal with when you’d rather enjoy your new baby! So how do you manage? You’ve probably already heard of this, too: get some sleep in whenever you can! Understand that it won’t be a full night’s rest, but a few hours here and there can really make a difference. If you have any friends or family members willing to babysit while you sleep, even better. It also helps to realize that this phase of your child’s life won’t last forever; you’ll get your full eight hours in no time!

Feeling Close To Your Baby

Common New Mom Challenges

This one is tough. After giving birth you expect to feel a closeness with your child that you’ve never felt with anyone else before. But when your newborn is on a loop of eating, sleeping, and crying, barely acknowledging your efforts, the mother-baby bond can be difficult to feel. If this is you, don’t think this makes you a bad mother! Realize that bonding with your baby takes time. Experts say babies don’t even begin smiling until they’re a month old, so it can be hard to tell whether or not you’ve made a connection. Until then, all your newborn needs is food and sleep. It’s important to be patient and not become too frustrated with yourself. Your newborn will grow faster than you know!

Making Time For Yourself

As a new mother, most of your life becomes dedicated to taking care of a tiny person that is entirely dependent on you to survive. This is a daunting job, one that will take up almost every minute of every day. When devoting so much of your time to caring for your newborn, it’s easy to forget about caring for yourself. This can be detrimental to your mental health, as it can make you lose your sense of self. That’s why it’s so important to set aside some me-time every day- even if it’s just for a few minutes! Take the time to do what you enjoy, whether it’s watching a TV show, exercising, or even getting some extra sleep. Your sanity will thank you!

Let Baby Smiles Labels Help!

As you can see, being a new mother is challenging. That’s why we at Baby Smiles Labels are here to help! Use our custom labels to keep track of your newborn’s items so you have one less thing to worry about and can devote more time to your little one. Contact us today for more information about our products, and get ready to make your life a little bit easier!
