How to Properly Sterilize Your Child’s Bottles, Sippy Cups & More!
There is nothing more frustrating than trying to clean all the nooks and crannies in baby bottles and sippy cups and still not being able to get all the gunk out! We’ve been there, so the team at Baby Smiles Labels thought it might be helpful to pass on our method of cleaning and sterilizing bottles and cups to our customers for their own use. It may not seem like a big deal at first, but If cups and bottles aren’t fully cleaned, you run the risk of bacteria building up that can make your child ill, so it is important to adhere to strict cleaning practices.

Step-By-Step Bottle and Sippy Cup Cleaning Guide

  1. First, start by removing any excess liquid or residue by running the cup or bottle under a cold tap. Really try to get as much as you can out of the bottle or cup using just water, as this will make the later steps easier.
  2. Dissolve a mild dish detergent in warm water, as per the detergents instructions. Disassemble the cup or bottle into as many pieces as possible and submerge all the pieces in this mixture.
  3. Use a bottle cleaning brush or sponge to scrub away any particles and residue that remain in the cup or bottle. You may also use a nipple cleaning brush to get into the hard to reach places of the top of the baby bottle. A toothpick also works very well to remove residues from tight crevices. If you would like to fully sterilize the cup or bottle, proceed to step 4. If not, skip to step 6 for rinsing and drying.
  4. Place a pot of water on the stove on medium-high heat until it boils. After making sure your bottle or cup can withstand high heats (dishwasher safe bottles and cups can), place the pieces into the boiling water, making sure they DO NOT touch the bottom of the pot.
  5. After 10 minutes in the boiling water, carefully remove the pieces of the cups and bottles using tongs.
  6. Rinse the pieces one more time to ensure there is no soapy residue remaining.
  7. Place pieces out to air dry.

Congratulations! Now your child’s bottle or cup is now clean and, if you used the full sterilization technique, completely germ free!

Never Lose A Bottle Again With Baby Smiles Labels

Every week it seems like I lose another sippy cup: leaving it at daycare, church, et cetera. The personalized labels from Baby Smiles Labels that I use on cups, bottles, school supplies, clothes and pretty much all of my childs belongings, make it incredibly easy to tell exactly what belongs to my child and avoid mixups with other children. Best of all, they are waterproof, microwave and dishwasher safe, so I never have to worry about them coming off, even when I sterilize their cups! Contact us today to get started on your customized label solution for your child.
