No one understands better than us here at Baby Smiles Labels how difficult it can be to get your child to eat healthy. Many children tend to be picky eaters and creatures of habit, demanding the same snacks over and over. It is always important to encourage your children to eat healthy from a young age, establishing great eating habits for life. Packing nutritious snacks in your child’s lunch before dropping them off at daycare can seem like a daunting task, but we are here to help. Here are some fun and healthy snacks you can send your child off to school with!

Ants On A Log

Kid Approved Healthy Snacks

Here is a classic that has been bringing fun and nutrition to kids for many years! Many kids would also find joy helping creating this nutritiously delicious snack. Here is what you are going to need to make ants on a log:

  • Celery
  • Peanut Butter/Almond Butter (your choice)
  • Raisons

Sound simple right? Well it is! Simply cut the celery into smaller sections (about three inches) and spread some peanut butter in the valley of the celery. Once you have done this simply sprinkle the raisons or “ants” on the peanut butter and there you have it! Not only do they have a fun name but they are also hold vital nutrients for your child. If you feel so inclined you can also replace the peanut butter with other fillings such as tuna salad!

Fun Fruit Skewers

Kid Approved Healthy Snacks

This snack might be better suited for a play date at home than to bring to school with a point stick being involved. This is simple and fun! All you need is a variety of fruit, depending on your child’s taste you can really use any fruit you’d like. Simply cut the fruit up, shapes are always fun if you have cookie cutters! Once you have cut up the fruit you can then start adding the piece one by one onto a wooden skewer. This is often served with a side of yogurt for dipping!

Yogurt Popsicles

Kid Approved Healthy Snacks

Yet another recipe that will require your child to eat at home as you wouldn’t want your child’s dessert melting in their lunchbox at daycare! Yogurt popsicles are a healthy way to give your child a delicious dessert that is packed with calcium and vitamins. For this recipe you will need to purchase a popsicle tray if you do not currently have one. All you need is your child’s favorite flavor or yogurt (you can even use low fat), and some type of solid fruit. You can use strawberries, blueberries, mango, or whatever fruit you prefer! Simply mix the solid in a bowl with the fruit, if you wish to lighten the consistency you can add some regular milk, soy-milk, or almond milk. Once you have mix that together you can go ahead and pour the mixture into the popsicle trays. For the popsicle stick it is always fun to use a pretzel stick as a substitute! Enjoy!

Hummus & Soft Dips

Hummus has a smooth texture that is easy for babies to swallow.  Cut up some pita bread into some tiny pieces, spread a little hummus on them and you have yourself a quick and healthy snack!  Get a small container of hummus and put those pita chunks into a plastic bad, and it becomes a fantastic meal for you baby while you’re on the go.  Salsas and other dips work the same way.  Be extremely careful when using hard chips, ensuring that they are small enough for you baby to easily eat.

Personalized Labels To Protect Your Child’s Snacks

We hope that some of these healthy snack recipes will be a success when it comes to your child’s healthy eating habits. If you have a child in daycare or schooling and are sending them off to school with a healthy lunch, make sure to have it properly labeled. Your child will never mix up their lunch box with another kids again with personalized labels from our collection. Visit the remainder of our website today to check out our waterproof, customized and dishwasher safe labels. Happy snacking!
